"I have had the opportunity to meet Tai Chi & Qigong teachers and masters all over the world ... AND FOUND I COULD LEARN SOMETHING FROM ALL OF THEM. I have also discovered that my Tai Chi & Qigong practice and teaching could go to even higher levels through discussions with leading scientists in the field of Mind Body and consciousness. For example, a few months ago, Dr. Fienstein's co-author, Donna Eden, appeared on our Discussion Series talking about their research on the power of motion in Infinity Symbol motions, and its benefits to the brain. ALL Tai Chi players experience this, when we "sink from leg to leg" and relax our hip muscles, and our pelvis goes in a figure 8 or Infinity Symbol motion. Hearing Donna's research into this ... caused me to "emphasize awareness of this" in my Tai CHi practice and teaching ... to profound benefit.
I've been doing Tai Chi for 45 years, and teaching for over 30 years. Had I ONLY LEARNED FROM Tai Chi teachers, and ignored these scientists and experts on consciousness ... my Tai Chi practice and teaching would be a pale shadow of what it is today."
-- William Douglas, Founder of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day