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Is Tai Chi Right for You?


I was talking with a student after class about her experience learning Tai Chi. She wasn’t quite sure Tai Chi was for her. Tai Chi definitely isn’t for everyone.

I shared something Master Yang Zhenduo told about 100 of us students during a week-long training session with him. He was the great-grandson of Yang Luchan, the creator of Yang style Tai Chi.

It might help you decide whether Tai Chi is right for you.

Master Yang said Tai Chi is like a mountain you will never reach the top of. Your daily practice is the climb. If you forget the top and embrace the mountain and everything it has to offer, the beautiful views, the moments of reflection and discovery, as well as some climbing, climbing, climbing, you will enjoy Tai Chi. And when you enjoy an activity, you will continue with it – you will continue up the mountain.

I’ve had about 15 years to think about this. Here’s one person’s interpretation…

The ‘top of the mountain’ is achieving perfect Tai Chi form. Which I’m comfortable thinking about as unattainable.

I’ve watched Master Yang and his grandson Master Yang Jun practice the Yang style Long Form. I’ve watched Dr. Paul Lam practice the Sun style, the style we teach. They, going back to Master Yang’s story, are far, far higher on the mountain than I am.

BUT, and this is a big but, probably the key to the story for me, each person’s climb is a singular, personal, journey. It’s between you and the mountain. I see what I see. I need to pause and rest when it’s right for me. I experience my own experience. And I go at my own pace.

I don’t mind the fact I’ll never see the top of the Tai Chi mountain. I’m enjoying the climb.

Remember the student wondering if Tai Chi is for her? I ended Master Yang’s story by adding, If you enjoy the experience of the climb and you don’t worry about never getting to the top, Tai Chi may be a mountain for you.










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