We don't make medical claims about the benefits of Tai Chi. We simply say: Try it. Give it a chance. Then decide for yourself whether there are benefits to practicing Tai Chi.
Give Tai Chi a chance, a fair chance. So, what's a fair chance?
A month or two of once-a-week classes? Maybe...but probably not. Do you have to practice daily for six months to feel the benefits? Probably not. To my mind, if you can move for two minutes without worrying about how you're moving, and you can do that more days during a week than not, and you do that for a few weeks, you'll begin to have a sense of Tai Chi.
I'm not talking about knowing two minutes of form. Knowing that much can take a while. Pick something you are comfortable with. One or two moves. Something from the warm up. Or do Commencement and Open/Close six or seven times in a row.
You'll know. Now may not be the right time for you. Tai Chi certainly isn't for everyone. But maybe something will click. Maybe Tai Chi is right for you. We see it in every 8-week class we teach. And it's a big reason we all teach.
We don't make medical claims because there are so many studies that make medical claims for us; documenting real improvements in mobility, pain relief, balance and overall health.
Not to mention the Sun style Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention (TCAFP) we teach is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the US Arthritis Foundation.
We're proud of these designations and proud that the path to certification to teach Sun style TCAFP is a tough one. I can personally attest after earning three certifications from the Tai Chi Institute for Health, easy it's not! Each requires months of preparation, additional certification in CPR, and proof of mastery of the movements and of an understanding of the principles behind the form.
We encourage students to build up their Tai Chi practice slowly, AND safely; and to practice only as often as feels reasonable. And safe. Trust your instincts, you'll know.
One last thing...actually two last things.
If you are interested in learning more about what is being said about the health benefits of Tai Chi, the best book we've found is pictured here. Click on it for more information.
And, simply, google: "health benefits of Tai Chi". Results come in from Harvard, the Cleveland Clinic, National Institutes of Heath, Medical News Today, Prevention, and more. Find a free class, here.